Saturday, February 28, 2009

March 4 Back To Africa

"Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring.
Psalm 27:14

Today's devotion-it seems that each day when I read one of these, they apply to my life at that moment.

Well, it's a done deal! Jim met with Intercon CEO's, VP's, and whoever else has some kind of title; he negotiated pretty strong (as well he could as he knows the territory). They pretty much rolled over on everything (as they should, because we are going into a nest of vipers), and they know that Jim knows more about this contract than any of them. Heck, he was telling the owners of the company things that they didn't know One thing about Jim that I love is that he does his research, and he doesn't go into anything blind. (I say that, then why did this mess happen? I honestly don't think it was caused from Jim's lack of planning and research-again, I have to say if I truly believe in God and that He has a purpose for everything, then all of this is for a reason, even our returning to Conakry).

Ok, a geography lesson for those of you who are "Guinea challenged!" There are four Guineas on this planet:

Guinea (near Sierra Leonne and Liberia) this is the first place we lived in 2005-2006 and where we are returning in April. This was a former French colony. They just had a coup d'etat after President Conte died a few months ago-so now the new government is "honest!" Ha, Ha, Ha!!!!

Equatorial Guinea (near Cameroon and Nigeria) where we just got kicked out-lived there 4.5 months. This is a former Spanish colony whose president Obiang is considered one of the top ten corrupt leaders on this planet.

Guinea Bissau-near Mali, more inland; their president was just assassinated this week. Never been there, never want to go!

New Guinea-in the Pacific, and in my opinion anything is better than any of these old Guineas!

Then there's the Guinea Pig which Jim and I were in Equatorial Guinea when the evil little Vice Minister decided we were threats to his uncle, the President!

So, there's your "Guinea geography lesson!" And you can believe me when I say that I had no desire to learn this, and I wouldn't know it if I hadn't lived it.

Now, we are going back to Guinea (or our second time in prison, if I read the story of Joseph correctly).

Now if I also follow this train of thought, after Joseph's second time in prison, he was released and became 2nd in command of Egypt. So, does that mean....Jim will be second in command of Guinea-God, please, forbid this!!!!!!!

So, today we will remain in Pasadena. Last night we went by Bally's and got a free week's pass. God has blessed us so that we can workout during this stressful time, and He knows we need it! Yesterday, I got a pedicure and hair wash and style. Considering it was Pasadena, it was really cheap-13.00 for a pedicure! It's a lot cheaper than Houston!

We had a delicious hamburger at a place called-would you believe-Houston's. Seems we cannot get away from Guineas and Houstons-strange!

Now, we have to start planning our return to Guinea by April 1st. So much to consider: do we drive across country, do we fly? Oh, I did get to schedule my orthogram (steroid shot) for my hip to hold me over until I have time to get my hip replaced. We will have to be back in Travis AFB on the 12th. Visits to mother's, Jim's mom, our kids and grandkids, VISA'S, purchasing things necessary for survival in Guinea-ugh! But, I cannot complain, according to Numbers. This is leprosy enough just going back. I don't want any other scourge!

Please, keep us in your prayers, and thanks to everyone for your concerns. Hasn't this been something else? Just following the madness makes me crazy!

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