Saturday, February 28, 2009

March 8 Oregon Coast Getaway

The pics are from our Oregon "Getaway" brought to you by Ed & Chere, who introduced us to Yahatz, Ore, the first time we went to Africa. Now, it's the second time, and here we are "returning to the scene" of a wonderful weekend in September. Can you tell that I absolutely ove this place? The air is so very clear and clean. So iit rains and snows. Who cares with this kind of beauty. Like I said, if you don't believe in God, come to the Oregon coast.
Staying at the Shamrock Lodgettes, fire in the woodstove, snow, sun, and rain (typical Pacific NW weather) couldn't have been more romantic and just what we needed-a small breath before the storm of moving toward the end state of arriving in Conakry, Guinea, April 1st. Rest, refreshed by nature and each other, we are on the road again toward this week's goals: visit Ed, Chere, Cathy, Pete, Lavene and other friends, finish paperwork for Marathon, get some needed supplies at Ft. Lewis PX, get AAA to map our path to TN, work out, get my steroid (cocktail) shot in my right hip. So, there are many things to do to get to that end state.

I'll add the pics in a sec. we are getting to Marty's-got to stop.
Fast forward. We just left Marty & Hannah's visiting them along with son, Mark, his lovely girlfried who makes a mean guacamole. Marty is doing well considering the battle he is waging against cancer. Both he and Hannah as well as their doctor is optomistic that the treatments are working. We are keeping him in our prayers. Please, do the same. I mean, when we look at our situation, what we have endured is a "skirmish." What Marty and Hannah have endured is a battle! As I have said so many times, all we have to do is look around at others to know that our situation is not the worst thing that coud happen to a person-weird, yes, horrible, not by any means. I could kick myself for not taking pictures with them in their lovely home. We had champagne and toasted all of us-Marty's health, Mark's (their son's) new promotion at SAIC, and our trip back into the "Heart of Darkness." It was a grand visit with old DoDDS friends from Sicily who have been much much more in our lives.
Well, on our way north through sunshine, snow, and rain squalls to see our next favorite place in the world, and our home, Steilacoom, WA.

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